Busan’s representative director Jeon Soo-il’s eight full feature film is set around 'Pink', a shabby bar, and captures in detail the low lives with the director’s characteristic static style. The performance by Seo Gap-suk, who returns to the big screen for the first in over 10 years since [Bongja], music by artist Kang San-eh, and the picturesque scenery of Goon-san beach, complete with the flying seagulls, add make the film an unquestionably memorable experience.
该剧讲述梦想着能通过法庭对抗强权、保护弱者的菜鸟法官,坚守原则的初精英法官,现实主义的法官,在由这三名形色各异的法官组成的司法裁判部发生的贴近现实的法庭电视剧。 高雅拉剧中饰演正义热血菜鸟法官朴巧凛一角,朴巧凛是大韩民国最初音大出身的法官,她是一个想帮助柔弱的老人,女性,残疾人,贫民等弱者们处理冤屈事件的正义角色。 金明洙饰演初精英原则主义法官“林巴伦”一角,他是以高分考取名牌大学法学系、独来独往的法院个人主义者法官。虽是精英中的精英,却对晋升没兴趣,对任何事都很冷淡,只按原则办事,认为以个人的同情心和善意来判断是滥用职权。 成东镒饰演现实主义法官韩世界一角。 柳德焕在剧中饰演郑宝王一角,他是首尔中央法院法官、最高情报通也是林巴伦的好朋友。
美玉(廉晶雅 饰)在海边城市某中学担任老师,她美丽的外表下是泼辣勇敢的个性,就连校长也忌讳她几分。新学期的第一天里,她照样保持自己火爆的性格,严厉要求学生。新转学来的女生高美南(李世英 饰)第一天上学便迟到了,美玉老师当然要大发雷霆了。 没想到美南也不是省油的灯,两人大吵一架之后,美玉发现了美南的厉害,她决定有机会便报复美南。 相春老师(李志勋 饰)刚刚转校到了美玉的学校,美玉马上被相春的风采迷住,极力追求相春老师。万万令人想不到,美南成为了美玉最大的情敌。决心要斗争到底的两人到底谁会胜利呢?面对两个差异极大的女生,相春又如何选择呢?
/Heung-sun Jeong/郑多顺
叱咤黑道的大佬车恩珍(申恩庆 饰)在一场意外中头部受伤,失去了曾经的所有记忆,包括自己的身份。中餐馆老板杰超(朴俊奎 饰)发现了流落在街头的车恩珍,善良的他收留了这个一无所有的女子。就这样,曾经的黑道大佬,如今成为了在餐馆里送外卖的送餐小妹。 很快,车恩珍就发现了自己身上不同寻常的地方,对刀具过于熟练的使用让车恩珍开始怀疑起自己的真实身份。与此同时,因为车恩珍的存在,餐厅里的生意日渐火爆,她和杰超之间也日久生情。某天在送外卖的时候,车恩珍遇到了一帮劫匪正在抢银行,正义感的趋势之下,车恩珍出手制服了劫匪,因此而获得了“勇敢市民奖”。车恩珍的出名让她的仇家发现了她并没有死的事实。
/Cho Kyoung-ho
A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has been called up… to be an executioner. An English tutor and amateur journalist investigating a murder case makes an offer to gain information on the involvement of … a once promising baseball star. GOOD DEAL is a woven tapestry of the interconnected lives of people striving through the day-to-day of contemporary Korean society. Quite a spectrum of themes are covered: romance, crime, sports, famly, work, and even Russian literature! As each of its characters seek to make a “deal” with another person to help them stay ahead or even stay alive, they find their interactions much more involved and complex than they first thought. Written and directed by Cho Kyuong-ho, the film mixes wickedly dark humor and sincere sentimentality through its interwoven yet still seamlessly linear style of storytelling.
千妍秀(朴正雅 Jeong-ah Park 饰)的父亲因为投机倒买土地成为富有的暴发户,而千妍秀更是集合性感美丽的外貌与多金雄厚的家庭背景而成为异性追逐环绕的中心点。然而一向高傲的妍秀阴错阳差的认识了外形俊朗的大学生政道(朴镇宇 Jin-woo Park 饰),生活的轨迹发生转变。为了报复政道不为自己美色所动,妍秀不惜亲自出马诱惑政道,不料虽然计划成功而自己也对政道产生了真挚的爱情。但是政道告诉妍秀,他是乐安邑城古老氏族的嫡长孙,而自己不久后就要回去接受长辈给自己安排的婚礼。而此时,黑道老大罗大镇(李元宗 Won-jong Lee 饰)也因为盯上了千会长的家财而欲取妍秀为妻。然而,这段可能无疾而终的感情峰回路转,因为妍秀发现自己怀孕了,而孩子神秘的父亲成为众人追踪的重点对象!