萨宾娜30岁了,她的母亲和祖母都试着为她寻找结婚对象却未果。有一天,她遇见了一位酷似电影明星的年轻男子,并对他产生了兴趣。他的出现惊喜连连,使三位女性的生活发生了变化…… A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. The main character is Sabina, a quiet, shy woman who has just turned thirty. Clearly, she lacks a man in her life. Her mother knows all about it and tries at all costs to find her daughter a good candidate for a husband. The whole situation is controlled by the grandmother, an eccentric lady with a sharp tongue from whom no secret can be concealed. Successive admirers arrive at the pre-war tenement where the women live, but Sabina is interested in none of them. One day, appearing out of nowhere, comes the charming, intelligent, and terribly good-looking Bronislaw. His presence will spark off a series of unexpected events revealing the darker side of the women's nature. Written by Warsaw Film Festival 本片是导演Borys Lankosz的故事长片处女作,也是纪录片导演Lankosz首次拍剧情片。该片是击败了《商场女孩》和《疯人院》两部电影获得的参加奥斯卡最佳外语片角逐的机会。
/Lukasz Grzegorzek
A blackmail note threatening to reveal a woman's affair sparks a chain of events that serves as large-scale group therapy for her entire family.
一年前,作为特种部队一员的约瑟夫·史密斯中士(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)在阿富汗战场经历了常人难以想象的血雨腥风。因某起事件他被军事法庭指控,并被诊断患有攻击压力症。之后约瑟夫从医院逃出,混迹在流浪汉中间艰苦求生。他化名乔伊,与名叫伊莎贝尔(维多利亚·贝维克 Victoria Bewick 饰)的女孩结伴。在一次被歹徒袭击之后,慌不择路的乔伊意外闯入一幢无人房间,适逢主人赴美公干,他放心享用主人的一切物品。饱受精神困扰的他,似乎只能从善良的修女克里斯蒂娜(阿嘉塔·布泽克 Agata Buzek 饰)那里得到些许帮助。 偶然机会,乔伊涉足中国黑道,在刀头舔血赚取营生的同时,他意外听到关于伊莎贝尔的消息……