重启版《鬼娃回魂》首爆海报,凶险公仔Chucky全新回归 由《拍栗得》导演Lars Klevberg执导的新版《鬼娃回魂》首爆海报,经典的杀人公仔Chucky将全新回归。 本片由《英格丽向西行》的奥布瑞·普拉扎和《亚特兰大》的布莱恩·泰里·亨利领衔主演,并已于本周在温哥华开拍。在新版中,普拉扎饰演的母亲送给自己儿子一个公仔作为生日礼物,却对公仔凶险的本性毫不知情。 该片基于1988年的原版,但该系列的编剧唐·曼西尼和制片人大卫·基施纳并没有参与到此次新版中。实际上,两人目前正在忙于更多原版“鬼娃回魂”的电影和相关的潜在剧目。MGM推出的这个新版《鬼娃回魂》显然将会和大家熟知的原版Chucky区分开来,并同后者展开竞争。
“伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。 There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.
/Salomé Breziner
Maggie Cooper thinks it would be so cool if her son Lloyd were gay. So cool in fact that she signs him up for a college scholarship for gay kids, sets him up on dates and then for good measure outs him to the entire school. And then Lloyd meets a girl.
前海军陆战队员杰克·卡特(Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin 饰)在退伍后加入了一间私人安保公司,他上班的第一天是负责保护押送潜逃海外数星期后被抓回来的女子奥莉维娅·坦尼斯(梅丽莎·罗斯伯格 Melissa Roxburgh 饰)。奥莉维娅是IQ高达135的电脑工程师,此前隶属于美国最大的国防公司之一创世纪,她手中掌握着关系国家安全的重要情报资料。杰克一行的任务是将其安全护送到国防部,谁知当车队通过某密林时,他们遭到一群手持强力杀伤性武器之人的袭击。经过激烈交火后,杰克带着奥莉维娅夺路逃亡,好不容易来到某据点落脚。 未过多久,叛徒和雇佣军尾随而至,残酷的杀戮远远没有停止……
/Matt Duffer,Ross Duffer
不知曾几何时,世界上发生了前所未有的灾难。雷(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 Alexander Skarsgård 饰)带着妻子克莱尔(安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格 Andrea Riseborough 饰)以及年仅七岁的女儿佐伊(艾米丽·阿琳·林德 Emily Alyn Lind 饰)千辛万苦找到一个避难场所,那里有着充足的食物和能源,简直是可遇不可求的福地。三口人从此躲在地下,时间长达301天,正如雷所说,他们可能是地球上唯一的幸存者。“呼吸怪”是被禁止提及的词汇,它仿佛随时可能出现的恶魔,将一家人的避难所崔毁于一旦。 然而不稳定的情绪时刻在三口人之间蔓延,意外状况接二连三出现。在这个隔绝的窒息场所,他们有着永世无法回避的可怕宿命……