本电视剧根据武侠小说名家卧龙生的同名小说改编,分《云破天开》、《日月神功》和《金剑风流》三部。 宅心仁厚的萧翎(周绍栋)机缘巧合救下身负重伤的岳云姑后,不但学到用于治疗自己所患的三阴绝脉症的内功心法,还结识对方的女儿岳小钗(沈海蓉、张咏咏)。岳云姑不治身亡,萧翎与岳小钗护送其尸骨返乡的途中结下真情,后在抵抗偷袭的敌手时两人失散,萧翎掉落悬崖,被寓居谷底的三圣救下并将他收为徒弟。 6年后,学得一身本领的萧翎告别师父重回江湖,因不谙世事,他与百花山庄的沈木风(刘林)结拜成兄弟,做了三庄主。企图一统天下的沈木风试图用武力征服江湖人士,众人将他与萧翎视作大敌。岳小钗得知萧翎下落,前来找寻,萧翎才得知沈木风为人险诈作恶多端。萧翎结识聪明伶俐的百里冰(林秀君),后者数次在他危难之际挺身而出。渐渐,萧翎以人品、武德赢得江湖人士的敬重,成为首领带领众人与沈木风、蓝玉堂(姜厚任)一伙展开搏杀,而他与岳小钗及百里冰的情感纠葛,亦是扑朔。
/Nigel Cole
这是一个风景优美的英国小镇。男男女女过着平静如水的生活。自从安妮(朱丽·沃特斯 Julie Walters 饰) 的丈夫患上白血病去世之后,一切发生了变化:安妮和好友克里斯(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)做出了一个惊人的决定,为了让其他血癌患者得到及时有效的治疗,她们要筹款捐献给医疗机构——筹款方式就是号召镇上一批中年妇女拍摄裸体挂历。 于是,这个善意的举动产生了强大的号召力,十几个家庭妇女投身到拍摄当中。当然,这需要顶着巨大的舆论压力。挂历非常畅销,上面不仅记录了妇女们不再年轻但仍然美丽的身体,还为医疗机构筹来不少经费。家人慢慢的理解和支持她们的行动,媒体的关注让她们成为焦点人物,甚至好莱坞的大门也向她们敞开。安妮和克里斯万万想不到,命运的转折点会在自己中年时代迟迟到来,然而成名和功利面前,二人友谊的纯度再也比不上从前。精彩的世界就在她们面前,但她们要如何不让自己迷失其中?
1887年,在西部某镇担任治安官的强(成龙 饰)忽然收到一封家信,惊闻看护玉玺的父亲被人杀死,玉玺失踪,妹妹铃(范文芳 饰)追踪犯人一路到了英国。于是强匆忙奔赴纽约,寻找老友罗伊(欧文•威尔逊 饰),强本想用上次得来的皇家黄金帮助自己,岂料风流兼吹牛成性的罗伊早将黄金豪赌一空,如今落魄成了一个偶尔卖身的侍应。强虽无奈,还是带着罗伊一起到了英国。先期抵达英国的铃跟踪仇人雷斯本多日,在后者身上,隐藏着一宗涉及清、英两国的重大阴谋。原来私生子出身的皇帝之弟吴超(甄子丹 饰),为了夺取皇位同雷斯本联手,抢夺玉玺计划发动兵变。匆忙赶到的强,为了复仇和家族荣誉,决定不惜一切阻止吴超。
一个还未曾恋爱过的同性恋剧作家盖百列(Christian Campbell 克里辛•坎贝尔 饰),自从和室友瑞奇一起住以后,就烦恼不断。瑞奇和女友朱迪有着频繁的性生活,搞得盖百列几乎夜夜都要躲到外面有家不能回。这晚,又被赶出家门的盖百列跑到了同性恋酒吧去喝闷酒,就在这一晚,他遇到了go-go boy——马克(John Paul Pitoc 约翰•保罗•皮托克饰)。两人一见钟情,决定来一晚一夜情,可惜,他们没有地方。 于是,他们沿着街头行走,一次又一次,他们的计划总是被各种各样的事情打扰,笑话连连。但是,两人也随着接触的时间增长,慢慢熟悉了对方,一段爱情就这样慢慢滋长。
暑假刚刚开始,14岁的男孩沃尔特(海利·乔·奥斯蒙 Haley Joel Osment 饰)就在百般的不情愿中被母亲玫(凯拉·塞吉维克 Kyra Sedgwick 饰)打发到了位于乡下的两个伯父家,他们分别是贾斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)和哈勃(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)。 初来乍到的沃尔特十分不习惯乡下的生活,对于两个个性古怪的伯父,他更是敬而远之。一张神秘的照片的出现拉近了沃尔特和伯父们的关系,追寻着照片里的线索,伯父们向沃尔特讲述起了他们当年的故事。那时一个充满了梦想和激情的年代,伯父们的故事为沃尔特打开了新世界的大门,与此同时,通过回忆往昔,贾斯和哈勃两个有故事的男人也找到了各自人生的意义和快乐所在。
1912年4月10日,号称 “世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。富家少女罗丝(凯特•温丝莱特)与母亲及未婚夫卡尔坐上了头等舱;另一边,放荡不羁的少年画家杰克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)也在码头的一场赌博中赢得了下等舱的船票。 罗丝厌倦了上流社会虚伪的生活,不愿嫁给卡尔,打算投海自尽,被杰克救起。很快,美丽活泼的罗丝与英俊开朗的杰克相爱,杰克带罗丝参加下等舱的舞会、为她画像,二人的感情逐渐升温。 1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一个风平浪静的夜晚。泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山,“永不沉没的”泰坦尼克号面临沉船的命运,罗丝和杰克刚萌芽的爱情也将经历生死的考验。
/Laurie Lynd
Season five of Murdoch Mysteries opens in unfamiliar territory, as Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) leaves Toronto to try his luck while the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon winds down. Suspended for interfering in an investigation, on the run for surreptitiously freeing a murderer to make amends, and nursing a broken heart after Dr. Ogden's marriage to another man, he tries to escape his past, and his passion for detective work. Back in the city, newly promoted Chief Constable Giles (Nigel Bennett) makes it clear to Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), that he'll be keeping a very close eye on police matters. Meanwhile, Murdoch's beloved former associate, Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy), is now working alongside Acting Detective George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) and Dr. Emily Grace (Georgina Reilly), a feisty young protégé. In the remote north, Murdoch is pleased to discover that his fledgling prospecting career may garner great success, a small comfort after Julia's marriage to another man. But as he tries to rebuild his life, he finds himself drawn into the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant (Jill Halfpenny), an innkeeper charged with murder. The plot thickens when writer Jack London (Aaron Ashmore) lends his insights, and Murdoch soon realizes that while he had hoped to leave his shattered heart and tattered career back in Toronto, his days as a detective are not behind him.
/Laurie Lynd
Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the help of a local pub Landlady he starts to piece together an assassination plot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to help find the missing Murdoch.
/Don McCutcheon
Six months have passed since Dr. Ogden moved to Buffalo and Det. Murdoch is constantly a loggerheads with Dr. Francis, her replacement. While Insp. Brackenreid thinks highly of Francis, who was recruited from Scotland Yard, Murdoch finds him stubborn and unimaginative. He also seems to be in no rush to help Murdoch with his latest case where human body body parts were discovered on a riverbank encased in cement. A homeless man living in the woods nearby is questioned and released and Murdoch corresponds with Dr. Ogden who offers him valuable advice in her letters. He also gets help from a retired detective, Malcolm Lamb. Murdoch connects his current investigation a rape and murder that had occurred many years before.
/Laurie Lynd
Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their presence proves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disappearance.
/Don McCutcheon
Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns that Pendrick is hoping to win a $1 million prize for the first controlled flight. A body is found in the rubble of the crash but someone is clearly out to steal his invention. Murdoch also has to deal with Ottawa-based spymaster Terence Meyers who says it's all a national security matter. Meanwhile, Julia returns from Vienna intent on practicing psychiatry. She's also hoping to have her marriage to D'Arcy annulled.
故事发生在一支名叫 Louis Lester的爵士乐队中。杰西(安琪儿·库碧 Angel Coulby 饰)是乐队中的首席歌手,她拥有着迷人的嗓音和浓浓的异域风情,就连乔治王子(John Hopkins 饰)和威尔士王子(Sam Troughton 饰)都无法阻挡她的魅力深深为其倾倒。然而,表面乐观开朗的杰西却隐藏了一段悲伤的童年往事。 朱利安(汤姆·休斯 Tom Hughes 饰)出生于名门望族,从小就过着养尊处优的生活,自然养成了高傲乖僻的性格。朱利安为美国大亨马思德森(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰)工作,而马思德森是 Louis Lester乐队的“忠实粉丝”,因此,朱利安得以结识了杰西,并且深深地为她而着迷。慵懒的音乐,摇摆的身姿,裹挟着一段感情慢慢流淌着。