/Florian Forsch
For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.
/Brian Klein,Gary Broadhurst
The boys attempt to turn an old Renault Espace people carrier and turn it into a convertible people carrier. Richard road tests a pink Nissan Micra convertible. James road tests the funky new Honda Civic. Jeremy road test Sweden's outrageous supercar, the Koenigsegg CCX. The boys said good buy to the Suzuki Liana and welcome the new Chevrolet Lacetti as the new Reasonably Price Car.
/Brian Klein
Series 17 of the world’s biggest, silliest and most explosive car show sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May re-invent public transport with a car-based train, smash down buildings using surplus military equipment and celebrate the 50th birthday of the Jaguar E-type. The presenters also head to Monaco to race fast hatchbacks around the legendary Grand Prix street circuit, create a title sequence for an imaginary 1970s detective show, and find things to do in Lincoln whilst you wait for your electric car to recharge. The Stig is let loose in some seriously hardcore hardware including the Aston Martin Virage, the McLaren MP4-12C, the Lamborghini Avantador and the BMW 1-series M. And as if that wasn’t enough, Alice Cooper, Sebastian Vettel and Simon Cowell are amongst the sensational stars in the Reasonably Priced Car.
/Brian Klein
Series Eighteen starts airing on 29 January 2012 with seven episodes (not including the India Special),[1] following on from the 2011 Christmas special which aired on 28 December 2011.[2] In the special they take a route across India, the first of the many countries Top Gear plans to visit over the course of the new series, according to Jeremy Clarkson. Shooting in India began on 2 October, with the first leg of the shooting beginning in suburbs of Mumbai.[3][4] The show was also seen in Lecce, Italy with a Noble M600, McLaren MP4-12C and a Lamborghini Aventador.[5] Hammond announced during the Top Gear Live shows in Birmingham, that additional recordings for the new series had been done in the USA. The January 2012 edition of Top Gear Magazine featured a preview of what to expect in series 18.[6] It included a piece where Richard Hammond drives a NASCAR safety car for a real race, later going on to drive an actual NASCAR race car. The magazine also featured a part of some of the power tests to expect, including Jeremy Clarkson driving a Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Edition, a Mercedes SLS AMG Roadster and a Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale. Hammond meanwhile will drive a 2012 BMW M5 F10, and May will have a Vauxhall Corsa Nürburgring Edition. Another feature is going to China to test drive Chinese cars, Italy in 3 super-cars, Lamborghini Aventador, Noble M600 and a McLaren MP4-12C. Also James May is taking a trip to USA to test sports hybrid supercar Fisker Karma, meet AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson and drive his 1928 Bentley Vanden Plas LeMans Tourer. According to Top Gear Executive Producer Andy Wilman, Clarkson, Hammond and May are going to northern Sweden as well, where they will race the new Ferrari FF across a Silverstone Circuit-shaped ice track. Also Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond will attempt to film a car chase sequence for The Sweeney.
/Janice Cooke,泰莎·布莱克,西林·乔克西 Sheelin Choksey,Rachel Raimist,肯尼·列昂 Kenny Leon,Avi Youabian Avi Youabian
在新版《4400 The 4400》中,有4400人突然在不同时间及地点消失,相同的是这4400人突然都被传送到底特律的现代,而且他们都保持消失时的原貌,并且没有消失期间的记忆。这4400人需要面对这个起了变化及充满敌意的世界,不少人还对新现状毫无理解。 主演包括Joseph David-Jones﹑Ireon Roach﹑Brittany Adebumola﹑Cory Jeacoma﹑TL Thompson﹑Jaye Ladymore﹑Derrick A. King﹑Khailah Johnson﹑Autumn Best及Amarr Wooten。
乌金是不丹一位年轻老师,但他不想教书,反而向往能去澳洲,成为一名流浪歌手。教育部为了安抚他,派他到「世界最高学府」任教,一个位于海拔5000公尺的「鲁纳纳国小」,当地不仅景色宜人,一年也只需上几个月的课…。 经过8天长途跋涉后,乌金终于抵达「鲁纳纳国小」,才发现自己被放逐在一个完全远离舒适生活圈的环境中。当地没有电力、听不见流行音乐,最夸张的是,教室里竟连「黑板」都没有…。村民热情欢迎他的到来,他却第一次感到人生的无力感,简直欲哭无泪…。 苦无退路之下,乌金只得硬着头皮,展开他在「最高学府」的教学生涯。当孩子们的读书声,重新回响在雪山上,他竟从他们的学习渴望中,找到了从事教职的价值与快乐。眼看寒冬来临、暴雪将至,学校也要关闭了。此时已爱上「鲁纳纳」的乌金,得赶在冰雪封路之前,决定要不要留下来…。
故事发生在位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的一个偏僻的小镇上,奥顿(茜德尼·弗拉尼根 Sidney Flanigan 饰)是生活在那里的一个平凡的少女。个性内向的奥顿和家人们关系非常的疏远,生活里也没什么能说得上话的朋友。一天,奥顿震惊的发现自己怀孕了,她前往镇上的医院就诊,在这个民风保守的小地方,堕胎是不被允许的。 无奈之下,奥顿只能自己想办法打掉这个孩子,但试了好几个方法均以失败告终。表妹思凯乐(塔利娅·莱德 Talia Ryder 饰)是奥顿唯一的朋友,敏感又细心的她发现奥顿最近的表现非常的异常。几经询问之下,奥顿终于将自己的秘密告诉了思凯乐,思凯乐当机立断决定带着奥顿前往纽约堕胎。
/Roberto Capucci
When their father's will forces them to live together, siblings Nik and Tesla — and Tesla's kids — try to overcome their differences to become a family. Claudia Pandolfi, Alessandro Preziosi and Ludovica Martino star in My Brother, My Sister, directed by Roberto Capucci. Only on Netflix October 8.
Orestes travels to a small island during the pandemic in order to set up a music festival from scratch. Confronted with the small socie ty of the island, he will find involved in an extreme love story 克里斯托弗洛斯·帕帕卡里亚蒂斯阔别八年回归影坛作品,继“岛” “红河” “寂静之路”后又一部希腊剧佳片,疫病,难民,爱情,古典乐课。看似和谐的家庭关系之下又有多少暗流涌动?希腊碧海蓝天之间又隐藏着多少悲欢离合?一曲德彪西的月光,两段禁忌之爱,一幅描绘当代希腊人浪漫与苦情,挣扎与救赎的风情画。 10月13日希腊MegaTv独播,仅面向希腊地区观众,12月19日上线Netflix(希腊、塞浦路斯地区),23年年初将作为Netflix第一部希腊语剧集全球上映。
/Mari Selvaraj
泰米尔那都邦南部一个偏远的小村庄Podiyankulam有一项特殊的传统:谁能从悬崖上一跃而起将对岸抛出的鱼劈成两半,谁就能拥有“镇村宝剑”(Village Sword);选择接受该挑战但却无法将鱼砍成两半的人则会被村民斩首。1997年,一位名叫Karnan的青年男子腾空而起,成了宝剑的主人。 Podiyankulam和其隔壁的Melur村颇有宿怨,前者的村民来自更低种姓并因此常年收到压迫,故事的起因,就由一辆不愿经过Podiyankulam的巴士说起。在Melur村民的政治影响下,Podiyankulam村多次上书要求在该村设立巴士站的情愿被拒,村民们想要外出就不得去去Melur村的巴士站等候,且在等候巴士的过程中长期遭到Melur村民的欺辱和骚扰。 数次巴士拒载事件发生后,以Karnan为首的村民砸烂了一辆在他们眼前拒载一位孕妇的巴士,此举在村民议事会上引发诸多争议,但最后村长决定全村人将共同保护为了村民利益出头的Karnan等人,出面与警方交涉。 巴士被砸后,巴士运输公司的老板和一众警察来到Podiyankulam存兴师问罪,迫于其他村民压力,村长被迫供出Karnan等人的藏身之处。但考虑到商业利益,巴士老板决定撤诉并不再追究责任。但一位名叫Kannabiran的警长却在执行此任务时被村民们不卑不亢的态度所激怒——农民的儿子也配叫“皇帝”?并暗下决心要给Karnan一个教训。 日后警方传唤闹事村民去警局问话,为了保护Karnan,村中几位年长的老者自告奋勇前去警局报告和签字。但Kannabiran却用棍子暴打所有老者,重伤大家后把他们仍在警察局的天台上暴晒等死。在警局外等候一日一夜的Karnan等人见形势不对,冲入警察局救出了他的爷爷和其他几位长者,并将警察局砸了稀巴烂。 再次受辱后的Kannabiran警长调用了更多的警力计划捣毁村庄,而村民们则在长者们手上回归后意识到警察并不是因为巴士损坏而暴打他们,而是因为他们作为低种姓农民却在警察问询他们时抬头挺胸地stand tall,全村人也在Karnan的带领下决定奋起反击。 警察如期而至,而此刻Karnan却因为收到了军队职位的录取信而在全村的劝说下已经启程前去履职。攻破村民的抵抗后,警察进入到每一个村民家打砸抢,Karnan的爷爷为了保护屋内正在生产的村妇,自焚后冲进施暴的警察中。 不远处,挎着宝剑的Karnan策马前来,他以宝剑为武器砍倒数个警察,并将Kannabiran关进一间房屋内作为俘虏,而被俘虏后的Kannabiran警长仍然不断对Karnan口出侮辱,并威胁他如果对方敢动他一根汗毛,整个村庄将会被夷为平地。Karnan最终一剑将警长的首级砍下。 这是一个有关荣誉、传统、正义和生命力的真实故事。