/安德烈亚斯·普罗查斯卡,Lea Becker
At a prizefight of all places, Ben finds himself face to face with a fascinating woman named Zelda. And Zelda knocks him down with a single blow. Dazed, he stares into her eyes and believes it’s true love. Zelda is also deeply taken. What our lovers don’t yet know is that they share a dark secret.
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republic. While wanting to leave town, Peter is confronted with the murder of one of his former comrades. He decides to stay and instead bring the killer to justice. His ally is Dr. Theresa Körner, a determined and cool-headed forensic doctor. The two are linked not only by this case, but also by a deeper, shared history. As their investigation progresses, they realise that they are not just up against a systematic killer, who tortures his victims, but also face disapproval and intrigue from within the police force. Though determined to solve the crime, Peter, harbouring his own secrets, increasingly becomes tormented by existential questions: What is truth? What is heroism in the time of war? And all the while he fails to see the mounting danger before him.
故事发生在德国当代,简(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰),皮特(斯坦奇·艾塞克 Stipe Erceg 饰)和朱莉(朱丽娅·耶恩奇 Julia Jentsch 饰)是三个社会上随处可见的普通青年。但在他们的内心里,愤怒和失望的火焰从未停止过燃烧,对于国家的现状,对于政府的不满,对于富人的仇恨,为了给这些汹涌的感情找到出口,他们必须要做一些与众不同的事情。 他们在夜里潜入豪宅之中,在大肆恶作剧一番后留下写有“好日子到头了”的恐吓纸条,这样一种行动让三位好友在情感上得到了发泄,也在精神上获得了快感。一次行动中,朱莉造成的意外导致他们不得不重返“犯罪现场”,不幸的是,他们刚好撞见了归家的房主,情势所迫,三人做了一件他们都不愿意做的事情——绑架。
/Tim Trachte
火遍全球的欢乐、冒险、轻口味吸血鬼系列电影在众人的翘首以盼中迎来了第三部。 备受宠爱的吸血鬼姐妹花回来啦!这次她们将迎来家庭新成员:弟弟弗朗兹,又一个有望萌翻全世界的半人吸血鬼宝宝。可从他的出生起,危险和威胁就时刻紧逼。邪恶的吸血鬼女王一心想抢夺她们的心爱的弟弟作为佣仆。席尔瓦尼亚在学校发生了小插曲,失控的魔法眼睛点燃了男同学的衣服和老师的屁股,老师非常生气,而为了安全他们在学校不能公布自己是半人半吸血鬼的事情。全家都开始防止女王抢夺佛朗兹变得紧张起来,西维利亚意外地催眠了父母,就在双亲暂时性地失去警觉和行动力的时间里,姐妹找来朋友帮忙同样是状况百出。夜幕降临,可恶的女王出现了,她轻松的就把弗朗兹绑架走了。自责和悔过之余,姐妹俩的愤怒和正义感被激发了,她们将亲自拯救自己的弟弟,与恶鬼吸血鬼女王斗智斗勇。大卡一路追踪吸血鬼女王到她的城堡,席尔瓦尼亚和热心的人类邻居德克也赶来帮忙,面对强大的对手和隐藏自身身份的窘境,被迷惑的大卡和吸血鬼女王相处的还不错,并且和席尔瓦尼亚说城堡里很好,将来弟弟还能当上国王,她似乎忘记了弟弟是被绑架去的,家中的父母也不希望发生这样的事情;同时被施了魔法的父母一直处于迷糊状态,还好一直有女儿的朋友在照看,没有创出什么大祸。幸运的是父母遇见了一个会解魔法的人,让席尔瓦尼亚的催眠魔法消失了;暂时恢复神志父母开始了激烈的争吵,完全不听他人的劝说,还不知道小儿子佛朗兹已经被绑走了。争吵使得父母又中了催眠魔法,并且在广场飞起来,引得很多人围观拍照,看样子解救佛朗兹的事情是不能指望父母了。西维利亚和大卡节目究竟该如何解救弗朗兹呢?