Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
在合作了《不要走远》、《陌生人》、《致命安全》、《无罪之最》等多部悬疑题材剧集后,Netflix于去年十月和作家Harlan Coben续签更多项目。目前双方的这份合作,又新增一部叫做《骗过我一次》(Fool Me Once)的剧集。 正在曼彻斯特和西北部制作的本剧由此前参与过《不》和《陌》的Richard Armitage继续领衔,《穷友记》“Erin” Michelle Keegan、《荒唐阿姨》女主Joanna Lumley等人参与其中。 由八集组成的本剧主角是Michelle饰演的“Maya Stern”,在丈夫“Joe”(Richard饰演)被残忍地杀害之后,她非常艰难地继续自己的生活。有一天,当Maya在自己安装于家里各处、用于监视年幼的女儿的保姆摄像头上发现了一个本该死去的人,事情发生了变化。于此同时,她的侄女“Abby”和侄儿“Daniel” 也对几个月前发生于两人母亲身上被遇害的事情感到震惊,并决意查明真相,这两起悲剧有关系吗? Joanna将饰演“Joe”具有保护欲的母亲“Judith”,《堕落》“Glenn” Emmett J.Scanlan饰演“Marty McGreggor”,《失魂舍伍德》“Andy”Adeel Akhtar则饰演负责Joe案件、同时也藏匿着自己秘密的侦探“Sami Kierce”。
/James Kent
肖邦的《G小调第一叙事曲》总长仅九分钟,诞生至今已有近二百年,却依然有着特殊的魅力,不但在视频网站上创下数百万的点击率,更影响着今天许多人的生活。本片讲述了两个普通人——苏格兰青年保罗和日本中学生桃香,在各自经历了人生的不幸之后,因肖邦的叙事曲而重新振作,勇敢面对今后的生活。伊莫金·库珀、弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳齐、朗朗、斯蒂芬·霍夫等钢琴演奏家也将轮番登场,详细剖析这首不同寻常的钢琴曲,为我们揭开音符中的奥妙。 This hour-long documentary, directed by BAFTA and Emmy award winning director James Kent, meets Japanese teenager Momoka and Scottish music student Paul Murray to explore how Chopin’s extraordinary Ballade Number 1 transforms the lives of ordinary people and illustrates how classical music still penetrates contemporary life in unexpected and powerful ways. Momoka, is a 15-year-old pianist from Sendai, Japan, whose community was decimated by the 2011 tsunami and earthquakes. For Momoka, the Ballade embodies the anguish and rebellion she feels but doesn't allow to surface. For 22-year-old Paul from Glasgow, the piece is life-changing. Paul grew up in Bellshill, a working class suburb of Glasgow. He first played piano at 15, and it opened up a whole new world for him. During his first term studying on the B.Mus (Hons) degree programme at the University of Aberdeen, Paul was diagnosed with a brain tumour and then MS which both eventually caused him to lose the ability to walk and to play with his right hand. Waiting in his hospital bed in between operations over three months, he played the Ballade again and again on the iPod his dad Stephen had given him. It was that single piece's emotional pull that Paul credits with the return of his memory. Paul told us some more about his involvement in the programme: "I have been for some time now transcribing the Ballade in g minor for the left-hand alone. The reason being I played this piece back in high school and with the medical complications lost the ability to play perhaps my favourite piece of all time. Luckily for my this piece was going to be the subject of a major documentary and with my story and attachment to the Ballade I was selected to be involved!" The film includes interviews with some of the world's greatest pianists including Stephen Hough, Lang Lang and Vladimir Ashkenazy. It was shown on Channel 4 in August and trailers can still be viewed on The documentary was awarded 2nd place in the 'Halo' Best Arts Documentary award category at the awards ceremony on Monday, 4 November 2013 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall at London’s Southbank Centre. The ceremony was filmed and shown on Sky Atlantic.
在科瑞妮(维拉·法米加 Vera Farmiga 饰)还小的时候,对周遭的一切充满了好奇,遭遇许多成长的困惑,并且接触了宗教。刚刚成年的她很快遇上爱情,并且匆匆忙忙怀了孕,懵懵懂懂进入婚姻,和一位摇滚乐手成婚,成了一个家庭主妇,也放弃了写作梦想和宗教信仰。婚后的生活并不似科瑞妮期待一样好过,她甚至还得带着嗷嗷待哺的小孩跟着丈夫和一帮音乐朋友参加巡演,经常感到被忽略的失落。巡演途中,一场车祸发生了,一家三口费尽周折幸免于难,令科瑞妮再度产生信教的倾向。开始的一切似乎很快乐,但是经历教义约束、好友脑癌、外遇萌芽,科瑞妮的信仰始终在动摇…… 影片据卡洛琳·布里格斯的自传体小说《黑暗世界》改编。
Oscar Grant(迈克尔·B·乔丹 Michael B. Jordan 饰)和女友Sophina(梅罗妮·迪亚兹 Melonie Diaz 饰)还有四岁的女儿一起生活在奥克兰。2008年12月31日,是Oscar母亲的生日。早上,他像往常一样送女儿上幼儿园,送女友上班。Oscar卖过大麻、入过狱,因为经常迟到被炒了鱿鱼,但他准备在新的一年到来之际努力开始一段新的人生。晚上,大家欢聚一堂,庆祝他母亲的生日,同时庆祝新年的到来。结束和家人的聚会,Oscar带着Sophina还有一群好友,搭上地铁前往旧金山看烟花。2009年1月1日,新年的第一个早晨,狂欢了一夜的他们搭上回家的地铁,Oscar却在地铁上遇到了以前一起呆过监狱的“故人”,他的出现,改变了所有人..... 本片根据真实故事改编。
As devout Jehovah's Witnesses, sisters Alex and Luisa and their mother, Ivanna, are united in The Truth. Alex looks up to her confident older sister, while striving to follow in Ivanna's footsteps as a 'good Witness'. But when Luisa starts to question the advice of the Elders, she makes a life-altering transgression that threatens to expel her from the congregation. Unless Ivanna and Alex can persuade her to return, they must shun her completely. This challenge becomes more painful when their family is faced with another heartbreaking test of faith. Written and directed by Daniel Kokotajlo, a former Jehovah's Witness, Apostasy provides rare insight into the complex nature of faith, family, duty and love.
ITV及AMC将合拍3集剧《问答 Quiz》,这部剧讲述了现实人物Charles Ingram的故事,这个前陆军少校在2001年时参加英国版《百万富翁 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?》时,靠着作弊赢得100万欧元大奖。后来剧组发现他与妻子Di ana及同谋Tecwen Whittock的作弊行为,三人因此被捕及得面对庭审。 Matthew Macfadyen饰演Charles Ingram﹑Michael Sheen饰演节目主持Chris Tarrant﹑Sian Clifford饰演Diana Ingram﹑Mark Bonnar饰演节目制片公司Celador Television的主席Paul Smith﹑Helen McCrory饰演Sonia Woodley QC﹑Michael Jibson饰演Tecwen Whittock﹑Aisling Bea饰演ITV娱乐部专员。
杰西•詹姆斯(Brad Pitt 布莱德•彼特 饰),南北战争时期最著名的强盗,他与兄长组建的詹姆斯帮伙同其喽罗犯下无数宗抢劫案,即使防卫再出色的银行也难逃他们的魔掌。杰西凭借其出神入化的枪法和经历成为平民百姓心中的传奇人物。 人过中年杰西逐渐厌倦颠沛流离和与政府捉迷藏的生活,手下的喽罗或死或伤,兄长也因杰西的坏脾气选择离开。新加入“詹姆斯帮” 的懦弱男孩罗伯特•福特(Casey Affleck 凯西•阿弗莱克 饰)视杰西为超级偶像,与渐感疲惫的杰西隐居乡间。然而经过多年的相处,罗伯特却最终成为这名传奇侠盗生命之闸的掣动者……