/Ishi Rudell,Jayson Thiessen
坎特拉高中这次将与死对头-水晶预备高校(Crystal Prep Academy)进行一场学校间的‘友谊竞赛’,但Sunset Shimmer与朋友们却发现人类世界的Twilight Sparkle竟是水晶预备高校的学生,过去熟悉的同伴,这一次成了竞争对手,而且她们发现,Twilight Sparkle身上似乎有个天大的秘密......
/Erik Kristopher Myers
A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release it as a work of his own, he loses himself and the film crew following him into his project.
/Joe Begos
1987年的某个夜晚,张皇失措的赛斯·汉普顿(Graham Skipper 饰)驱车来到好朋友马克·费舍(Josh Ethier 饰)的家,他语无伦次,声称不久前天上出现一道蓝光,将他们的另一个好朋友罗伯带走了。马克起初并不太相信赛斯的说词,谁知突然之间全城大停电,窗外亮起炫目的蓝光,并伴随着尖利刺耳的声响,混乱中马克仿佛被控制了一般,他推门走了出去,再也没有回来。在此之后,蓝光事件在派顿市引起不小的骚乱,而赛斯也成为罗伯和马克失踪案的嫌疑人受到指控。两年过后,马克的女友简·克莱文(Vanessa Leigh 饰)交到新男友,正准备展开新生活,而赛斯依然被当年的经历和噩梦所困扰。毫无征兆的一天,大停电再度发生,而消失已久的马克惊现丛林,但这绝不是赛斯熟悉的朋友…… 本片根据发生在缅因州派顿市的真实事件改编。
/Karen Lloyd
亚历克斯是一位非常害羞内向的公主,热爱阅读的她十分厌倦皇宫里枯燥无趣的生活。一次偶然中,在皇宫花园里,亚历克斯看到了一闪神秘的大门,她曾经在某个故事中看到过和这个一模一样的大门。让亚历克斯没有想到的是,在门背后的,是一个充满了魔法和神奇生物的奇幻世界。 在这里,亚历克斯结识了一帮善良的朋友们——活泼开朗乐观向上的美人鱼罗密、头脑聪慧冷静淡定的诺丽,她们告诉亚历克斯,这个王国里存在着一个非常任性而又暴戾的统治者玛露西亚,她们所使用的魔法便是被玛露西亚给夺走的。为了帮助好友们夺回本来就属于她们的东西,亚历克斯踏上了旅程。
/Michael Miller
That day is seared into the memory of every human being on the planet: the day the world changed. First came the attack on the Philippines. Within days they spread, as though appearing out of nowhere, striking out at more islands, forging a foothold in the South Pacific. Then came the first attack on U.S. soil - Los Angeles - and the reality became clear: our world was at war once again, but this time with an enemy from beyond our galaxy. Now, months later, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as a mission to strike at a key enemy installation deep in enemy territory goes terribly wrong, and the Marines of the 15th Expeditionary Unit are scattered across the island of New Britain, leaderless, and facing impossible odds. Pacific Theater is the story of those Marines: fresh recruits who journey from their homes across the Pacific to the front lines. It is the story of John Blake, a charming Californian surfer who must find the strength to become a leader, Tracey Gleeson, a physics...
Inspired by writer, director, and star Aml Ameen's life, Boxing Day follows Melvin (Ameen), a British author living in America, who returns home to London for Christmas to introduce his American fiancée, Lisa (King), to his eccentric British-Caribbean family. Their relationship is put to the test as she discovers the world her fiancée has left behind. Written by Deadline
/Chad Archibald
A cult kidnaps a young girl and sacrifices themselves by the locust moon. The girl awakes, surrounded by corpses. Years later, the locust moon rises again and the girl is captured by a surviving cult member, informing her demon is growing inside all these years.
The fifth-year residents return for the first day of a year that will make or break their careers: Meredith faces the consequences of tampering with Derek's clinical trial and is terminated at the hospital; April tries to step up to the plate as Chief Resident in the wake of a giant sinkhole in the middle of Seattle; and Cristina and Owen are still at odds over their drastically different feelings for their unborn child.
筹备快七年,由“《大小谎言》组姐妹”Reese Witherspoon和Laura Dern参与开发的《微小美丽的事物》(Tiny Beautiful Things)终于获得Hulu正式八集预订,这部半小时喜剧也邀请到了《旺达·幻视》Kathryn Hahn领衔主演,《星星之火》主创Liz Tigelaar担任主创。 Reese和Laura以及本剧原著作者Cheryl Strayed相识于《涉足荒野》的拍摄中,当时两人相中了Liz的这本书,并迅速敲定了改编权;2015年,两人将这个项目带到了HBO,并邀请Cheryl和她的老公参与改编。不过最终两人在《大小谎言》才实现再合作(也同时拥有Liane Moriaty另本书的影视改编企划),这个项目却没有了下文。如今Hulu的参与,也最终为这本书的改编之路带来一个全新的起点。 本书在2012年推出后,就登上了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜;她辑录了Cheryl化名为“Dead Sugar”,在一个叫做<The Rumpus>的线上文学网站为许多人提供婚姻建议撰写的专栏文章。以多个时间线作为讲述,即使自己的生活分崩离析,“Dead Sugar”女士也以惊人的坦率、亲切与勇气来拆解其中的美丽、挣扎与幽默。有的时候我们并非无法拯救,因为往往我们会从自己身上获得拯救。
镜头聚焦在一个名叫巴德(Leigh McCormack 饰)的男孩身上,巴德很早就失去了父亲,和母亲(Marjorie Yates 饰)以及哥哥一起过着相依为命的生活。整个童年时代在巴德的回忆里都笼罩在孤独和寂寞之中,在学校里,他一个人上课,一个人发呆,一个人回家,还要是不是的提防班上强壮的男生对他的威胁和嘲笑。 回家后,巴德也总是一个人待着,母亲建议他多和朋友们在一起玩,但她并不知道的是,巴德甚至都没有一个能真正称得上朋友的伙伴。巴德整日里将时间花在观察凝听这个世界和胡思乱想上,入夜,可怕的噩梦便会找上门来。就这样日复一日,巴德长大了,当再度回忆这段平凡而又独特的童年时,巴德会有怎样的感受呢?
Lynn and Lucy are life-long best friends, their relationship as intense as any romance. Neither has ventured far from where they grew up. Lynn, who married her first boyfriend and whose daughter is fast growing up, is delighted when the charismatic, volatile Lucy has her first baby boy. Lucy, however does not react to being a mother as Lynn expects. Soon, they find their friendship is tested in extreme circumstances.
/Marcus Mizelle
Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series of cons that involve seducing and kidnapping west LA trophy wives in order to extort money from their wealthy husbands. However, their latest victim Rebecca is not who she seems, threatening to ruin everything just when Patrick's had a change of heart and ready to call it quits.
/Glenn Takakjian
一个秘密实验室在接管并研究来自外太空的生物,没想一个科学家不幸被外星 人咬到从而发生异变,接下来事情变得越来越恐怖,未知病毒迫使人类异化成 恐怖恶心的食人怪物……
/Mike Leigh
Adult brothers Mark and Colin Pollock still live with their parents Frank and Mavis Pollock in a small apartment in the projects of London's east end in what is a collective depressed and unhappy existence. The three men of the household are all on the dole, each doing little to find gainful employment. Between the brothers, Mark is the smart aleck, who calls his parents by their given names to irk them, and who hangs out with a bunch of hooligans as he refers to himself and his friends, such as a skinhead named Coxy. Although never medically diagnosed as such, Colin is seemingly emotionally slow. Colin likes to hang out with Mark and his friends in his want to be accepted, especially as Mark tells him that a neighborhood girl named Hayley is interested him. The family rarely socializes with Mavis' sister and brother-in-law, Barbara and John, who live a middle to upper middle class and seemingly perfect existence in the suburbs of Chigwell. Although not telling them to their face, John dislikes his relations by marriage, believing especially Mark to be brash and trashy. A unilateral act by Barbara leads to many issues within the extended family coming to the surface, most specifically the true happiness of the marriage between Barbara and John, and what Colin is truly looking for to be happy in life.