故事发生在六十年代初期,一穷二白的青年德克(友塔纳·布格朗 Yuttana Puangklang 饰)邂逅了美丽的女子曼妮(婉娜拉·宋提查 Wannarot Sonthichai 饰),然而曼妮却并没有将自己真正的名字告诉德克,而是借用了孪生姐姐文西的名字。这段注定没有结果的感情以曼妮的不辞而别告终。 许久以来,德克一直没有放弃过寻找曼妮,直到有一天,他在一场舞会上遇见了文西。文西拥有着和曼妮一模一样的外表,德克将她错认为了曼妮,并且十分不解文西对待他的冷漠态度。一场意外中,德克继承了家族留下的巨额遗产,摇身变成了富翁的他迎娶了文西,然而就在这个节骨眼上,曼妮现身了。
与丈夫离婚后,Alice必须承担起单亲母亲的全部责任,照顾她全心全意爱着的儿子August,一个好奇的小男孩。他从小就对 A、他的父亲和他自己的故事充满疑问。就连他的母亲也从未谈起过他的父亲,August 15 岁那年,神秘的故事开始一点一点地跟随他。他父亲生前的嘱托成为August从诺拉舞的秘密中发现恐怖的原因。在试图让他认识到自己的业力同时,Alice相信理性和正义。 Alice竭尽全力拯救她所爱的儿子。但她越是反抗并带领August远离现实,诡异和奇怪的事件不断升级,直到August陷入危险。决定返回寻找过去的真相。August生命危在旦夕,当Lambam家的门打开时,里面的木桩从过去一直建到了现在,与她一起打开的是Lambam家的老管理员Cherd叔叔,他知道整个故事。业力和所欠的誓言已经开始要求偿还。
Healthy home cooks Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley showcase ingenious and highly nutritious recipes that will put a spring in your step when you need to power through the day. This lifestyle cooking series will take viewers into the aspirational world of Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley, the passionate foodie sisters who are taking healthy eating to innovative new levels with fun and delicious recipes that are free from grains, gluten and refined sugar. Every episode we will see our presenters at home in London, preparing 3-4 meals from their extensive repertoire. The show is crammed with tips and tricks to show viewers how to make fresh, nutrient rich foods into irresistible dishes. Between the recipes the sisters will take us out into the world to show us where to source the best ingredients and how to both live and eat mindfully beyond the kitchen walls. Jasmine & Melissa are the authors of best-selling cookbook The Art Of Eating Well, which has seen them become two of the hottest health food gurus on the scene. They also run a successful blog, popular YouTube channel and bespoke food delivery service, and write regularly for Vogue.