/Kerry Shawcross
The world of Remnant is filled with horrific monsters bent on the destruction of humanity. Fortunately, the kingdoms of the world have risen to combat these forces by training powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses at academies around the planet. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long are four such Huntresses in training whose journeys will take them far past the grounds of Beacon Academy. Though each may be powerful on their own, these four girls must come together to work as a team if they truly hope to become the next generation of Remnant's protectors. But can they succeed at each other's side when dark forces gather to divide and destroy humanity?
米雪儿(Noa Kooler 饰)已经32岁了,在原本的计划中,她很快就将和完成了爱情长跑的男朋友幸福的携手步入婚礼的殿堂,之后等待着她的,将会是让人人羡慕的美满生活。然而,一个无心的玩笑竟然让米雪儿的男友在这个节骨眼上选择了离开她。 婚礼的场地已经决定了,一切程序按部就班的进行着,可是突然之间,新郎没了,这让米雪儿陷入了焦虑之中。将这一切取消已经不可能了,离仪式举行还有一个月的时间,对于米雪儿来说,解决这一问题的唯一方法,就是在这一个月内找到另一位新郎。在遇见了各种各样不靠谱的男人后,一个名叫约斯(奥兹•泽哈威 Oz Zehavi 饰)的大帅哥出现在了米雪儿的身边。
Following a massive heart attack, Randal enlists his friends and fellow clerks Dante, Elias, Jay, and Silent Bob to make a movie immortalizing his life at the convenience store that started it all. “Clerks III” stars Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Trevor Fehrman, Austin Zajur, Jason Mewes, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Rosario Dawson, and Kevin Smith.
/Gray G. Haddock,Miles Luna
A spinoff of the popular rooster teeth show RWBY. This show is small clips of the cast of RWBY in their spare time.
/Monty Whitebloom,Andy Delaney
A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a local, accidental hero, our heroine has to grow up, but falls in love and eventually takes hold of her future - despite not being able to see what's right in front of her.