/Adil El Arbi,Bilall Fallah
被正式预订的FX剧《白粉飞 Snowfall》首季为10集,该剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。《Boyz N The Hood》导演Singleton和Eric Amadio联合创作剧本,Adil El Arbi 与Bilall Fallah导演。这试映集经过重拍,找来Dave Andron当制作人,另外该剧抽中了税务减免。 《白粉飞》设定于毒品蔓延初期,最终众所周知影响到文化层面。Franklin Saint(Damson Idris饰)认为自己是个街头「企业家」,渴望权力;他在洛杉矶南区出世及成长,不过在圣盖博谷地区的较优地区学习,他决心用一切手段改善自己的生活。Gustavo Zapata(Sergio Peris-Mencheta饰),一位墨西哥摔跤手,陷入一个犯罪家庭的权力斗争。Teddy McDonald(Carter Hudson饰)是个CIA情报员,有着黑暗的秘密,正进行一个秘密﹑非局内的行动,以资助尼加拉瓜反政府活动。 Emily Rios饰演Lucia,身在洛杉矶墨西哥犯罪家庭,但洁身自爱的女儿,该犯罪家庭偷运大麻进洛杉矶,并在此地贩毒。Michael Hyatt饰演Sharon Saint,别称Cissy,是Franklin的妈妈。不爱废话的她在个人及职业生涯都过得不如意,不过她甘愿放弃自己梦想来给予儿子自己没得到过的机会。 Amin Joseph则饰演Franklin的叔叔Jerome Saint,一个在监狱的硬汉兼骗子,是个低层的大麻贩子。Alon Aboutboul饰演Avi Drexler,一个在圣费尔南多谷﹑不可预测的可卡因贩子。Isaiah John角色设定不详。 Angela Lewis饰演Louise Saint,是Franklin的姨子,喜欢混迹派对﹑Juan Javier Cardenas饰演老谋深算的Alejandro Usteves,尼加拉瓜反抗军的人,为了保持革命而愿意不择手段。Filipe Valle Costa饰演自大的Pedro,是墨西哥犯罪家庭继承人。
Franklin and Cissy look to make an investment in the community, while Andre tries to figure out what is destroying it. Jerome unveils his new business. A new cook on the streets is competing with Franklin's crew. Teddy's operation in Mexico becomes more complicated. 本剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。FX 原创剧集的联合总裁Eric Schrier表示:“很开心不论是观众、批评还是称赞在第二季都有了十足的进步。我们创造性的团队已经交出了一份非常满意的答案,我们对第三季有非常高的期待。”
/汉娜·巴洛,Kane Senes
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
/Stuart Gordon
Stuart Gordon, considered a master of the horror genre thanks to classics like Re-Animator and Dagon, decides to do a different move in this strange trip to human morals. "King of the Ants" is about a regular guy, Sean Crawley(newcomer Chris McKenna), a man without any aspiration who just live in his apartment doing the necessary job to live to the next day. In one of his jobs he meets Duke(Gearge Wendt), who introduces Sean to his boss, Ray Matthews(played by Daniel Baldwin). Ray hires Sean as a spy, and orders him to follow Eric Gatlin(Roy Livingstone), an accountant who has been investigating Ray's company. Problems start when Ray, while drunk, orders Sean to kill Eric. And he does it. Things go wrong when Ray decides to make Sean disappear destroying his mind with violent punishment and humiliation. From the point where Sean kills Eric, we go in the same boat with him, as he goes through a downward spiral of human degradation, traveling from guilt, to confusion and finally to his rebirth, in a state where humanity, morals and values are not important anymore. Chris McKenna acting is very important because he manages to be likable even when he is part of gruesome acts, both as victim and/or criminal. He has that look of innocence that hides a dark side and he manages to carry the film. The support cast also includes Kari Wuhrer, as Eric's widow who also becomes a central part of Sean's trip to hell. She gives a fine performance, although it's obvious that Sean is the main character. He is the most developed of all and McKenna's performance is up to the challenge. The film has very disturbing images of violence, and while it may not be as graphic as "Kill Bill" for example, the strength of the violence is in the lack of humanity that the character manifest. He is more than an ant in this world. He is the king. Stuart Gordon has managed to create a film that, while maybe it's not one of his best efforts; it's very well done, has a VERY interesting story to tell, and manages to capture the attention every second of it.
/Xavier Borrell,Marco A. Castillo,Marc Vigil,Begoña Álvarez Rojas,Guillermo Fernández Groizard
La serie narra las aventuras de un héroe del siglo XVII conocido como Águila Roja cuya obsesión es vengarse de los asesinos de su esposa así como las conspiraciones contra la corona de los Austrias por parte de una sociedad secreta a la que pertenecen Hernán "El comisario" y la Marquesa de Santillana, Lucrecia.
我們的宗教就是你的宗教!不信我們的宗教就訓你!一群年輕女性,信奉容貌就該乾淨,舉止就該端莊婉約,交友就該純潔自愛。她們深信耶穌和傳統教條,殷切等待某日走進家庭婚姻;夜幕降臨,她們卻在城市裡襲擊她們眼中行為不檢點的單身女子,處以私刑一陣毒打,要求在鏡頭前懺悔,甚至傳網公審。 女子之一的瑪麗雅,在某次夜晚行動中傷到無暇的臉龐,留下傷疤,心中堅若磐石的信仰也逐漸崩解;得不到的永遠在騷動,她開始質疑自己的信仰,想起傳言中她們教訓過的一位女子,近乎毀容的臉龐。瑪麗雅精神上逐漸和那樣宛若梅杜莎的面容疊合⋯⋯面對社會沈重的期待、宗教窒息式的束縛,終於大聲吼叫出來!
遥远的北欧地区,瑞典的斯德哥尔摩一片银装素裹,寒气逼人。12岁少年奥斯卡(Kåre Hedebrant 凯尔•赫德布朗特 饰)生活在一个单亲家庭,他在学校形单影只,饱受欺负;回家后则偷偷搜集关于各类凶杀案的剪报,或者深夜挥着小刀在树上发泄着自己的愤怒。 新搬来的小孩爱莉(Lina Leandersson 莉娜•莱纳德尔森 饰)走进了奥斯卡的生活,他们慢慢成为朋友,并逐渐产生爱情。而就在此时,奥斯卡无意中发现爱莉一个令人毛骨悚然的秘密…… 本片改编自瑞典小说家约翰•林德科维斯特(John Ajvide Lindqvist)2004年的同名畅销书,并荣获2008年翠贝卡电影节最高奖、2008高森博格电影节最佳北欧电影奖及柯达最佳摄影奖。
/Alan Shapiro
A journalist becomes the unwanted center of attention for a 14-year-old girl whom proceeds to sabotage his life after he refuses her sexual advances.
/Channel 4
Bear drops into the swamps of Florida's Everglades, where at least 60 tourists need to be rescued each year. He trudges through the swamp and shows how to construct shelter, deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, get out of a muddy sinkhole, avoid alligators and rattlesnakes. He eats frogs and cooks a turtle Seminole-style.
硬汉托马斯·贝克特(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger饰)是一位美国海军陆战队的老兵。然而冷酷无情的贝克特却因为曾经不顾他的战友而臭名昭著。这一次,美国情报部门派遣年轻的神枪手理查德·米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane饰)与贝克特搭档,前往巴拿马完成一次刺杀任务。亦敌亦友的一老一少深入丛林,在远离后方支援的情况下,两人却各怀鬼胎,甚至互相攻击。但随着任务的进行,两人开始慢慢地接纳彼此,在紧要关头互相救助。 本部由路易斯·罗沙执导的新派战争片《狙击手》,以美国陆军狙击手特种部队为故事题材,另辟蹊径地聚焦资深狙击手和年轻情报员之间的身份与感情矛盾来制造戏剧张力,加上极富震撼力的视觉效果,营造了一部令人叫绝的丛林动作大戏。