The plot tells of how an armed robbery takes place on the bus line connecting the airport with various cities in the vicinity of Barcelona. The upshot is that three assailants are dead and one person has an arrest warrant on his head, with six witnesses unable to identify the fugitive. Officer Fran Garza (played by Pablo Molinero) and his professional partner – and ex – Rebeca Quirós (Ana Polvorosa) suspect that the witnesses are not telling the truth: they all claim not to have seen the killer’s face, but everything points to them having made a pact of silence to protect the person on the run. Soon enough, the case goes viral, and public opinion swings in support of the criminal, using the hashtag #YouWouldDoTheSame.
/Andrés Carrión,Laura Gallego
Ashran the necromancer has taken power in Idhún and enabled the reign of terror of the flying serpents. The first battle for Idhún's freedom will take place on Earth, where Jack and Victoria fight to stop Kirtash, the assassin sent by Ashran to destroy the Idhudites who flew from his tyranny.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理
麦克(Carme Calvell 配音)是一个可爱而又机灵的十二岁男孩,他的父亲斯科特(Toni Mora 配音)和祖父弗兰克(Camillo García 配音)都是宇航员,但是他们的光辉成绩早已经泯灭在漫长的时间洪流里,成为了被人们遗忘的幕后英雄。 一个邪恶而又贪婪的亿万富翁将他的目标对准了月球上所蕴藏了丰富的矿产资源,他想要通过登月来得到它们并且将美国曾经登上月球的证据销毁。麦克在无意之中得知了富商的计划,他和弗兰克一起,带着好伙伴艾米(米歇尔·珍娜 Michelle Jenner 配音)和马蒂(Javier Balas 配音),一行人追随着富商的脚步,凭借他们微薄的力量,他们能否组织这可怕的事情发生呢?
胡丽叶塔(阿德丽安娜·尤加特 Adriana Ugarte 饰)和苏安(丹尼尔·格劳 Dani Grao 饰)相识于一列疾行的火车之上,之后两人相爱,结婚,生下了可爱的女儿安蒂亚(布兰卡·帕雷斯 Blanca Parés 饰),一家三口生活在幸福美满之中。某日,胡丽叶塔和苏安发生了争执,苏安一怒之下扬帆出海,却遭遇了风暴丧生海底,绝望的胡丽叶塔患上了抑郁症。 安蒂亚和好友碧亚(米歇尔·珍娜 Michelle Jenner 饰)共同照顾着魂不守舍的胡丽叶塔,一晃眼就是很多年过去,虽然胡丽叶塔的病情渐渐好转,但她对女儿的依恋和依赖却越来越深。在十八岁生日那天,安蒂亚不告而别,从此下落不明,胡丽叶塔在愤怒、委屈和惊恐之中疯狂的寻找着有关女儿的蛛丝马迹,但始终都是徒劳。