The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pictures for the ABC, in association with the BBC. Set in the idyllic, beachside hamlet of Dolphin Cove, Return to Paradise is six gripping, twisting and fiendishly clever murder mysteries – all against the spectacular backdrop of the Australian coastal landscape. Australian ex-pat Mackenzie Clarke is the seemingly golden girl of the London Metropolitan police force – with an intuitive approach to detective work, she has built a reputation for being able to crack the most impossible of cases. However, she’s suddenly forced to up sticks and move back to her childhood home of Dolphin Cove, a beautiful, coastal paradise… and Mackenzie’s worst nightmare. Having escaped her hometown at the earliest opportunity six years ago, Mack vowed she'd never come back, leaving a lot of unfinished business and unanswered questions. On her return she’s still no fan of the town, and the people of Dolphin Cove are certainly no fans of hers. In fact everyone would prefer her not to be there, including Mackenzie herself. But when a murder takes place in Dolphin Cove, Mack can’t help but put her inspired detective brilliance to good use and determines, despite her reservations, that she needs to make the best of it, including tying up the loose ends with the man she left at the altar six years ago.
本剧基于Frederick Forsyth的同名小说和1973年环球影业同名改编电影创作。 “豺狼”(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰)是一个无与伦比、难以捉摸的独行杀手,他以执行高报酬的刺杀任务为生。处于“豺狼”私人生活中心的Nuria(乌苏拉·科尔维罗 Úrsula Corberó 饰)对他的身份却一无所知。在最近一次杀人后,“豺狼”遇到了自己的对手,顽强的英国情报探员Bianca(拉什纳·林奇 Lashana Lynch 饰)。Bianca开始在欧洲各地追捕“豺狼”,一场惊心动魄的猫鼠追逐战由此展开,随之而来的是一连串的破坏。
kbs最新推出的亲子综艺(快乐星期天),内容为父亲带着孩子,在没有妈妈的情况下度过48小时现4位父子。 参演艺人: 为秋成勋与女儿 tablo与女儿 张铉诚的儿子们 李辉才的双胞胎儿子 收视率分布: 131103 KBS2 超人回来了 7.2%(首播收视) 131110 KBS2 超人回来了 7.9%(+0.7%) 131117 KBS2 超人回来了 8.4%(+0.5%) 131124 KBS2 超人回来了 6.8%(-1.6%) 131201 KBS2 超人回来了 7.4%(+0.6%) 131208 KBS2 超人回来了 7.5%(+0.1%) 131215 KBS2 超人回来了 8.8%(+1.3%) 131222 KBS2超人回来了 9.1 (+0.3%) 131229 KBS2 超人回来了 8.2%(-0.9%) 140105 KBS2 超人回来了 8.5%(+0.3%) 140112 KBS2 超人回来了 8.2%(-0.3%)
《Show Me The Money》制作组新的原创综艺《Rap:Public》K-嘻哈选秀节目通过流媒体平台TVING播出,将展现个性强烈的Rapper们更加火热激烈的博弈……
何塞·阿卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚和乌苏拉·伊瓜兰这对表兄妹不顾父母的反对结婚了,他们离开了村庄,踏上了寻找新家园的漫长旅程。在朋友和冒险家的陪伴下,他们最终在一条有史前石头的河岸旁建立了一座乌托邦小镇,并将其命名为马孔多。布恩迪亚家族的几代人将决定这座神话小镇的未来,他们饱受疯狂、不可能的爱情、血腥荒谬的战争以及对可怕诅咒的恐惧的折磨,而诅咒将让他们绝望地度过百年孤独。 《百年孤独》出版于1967年,是1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作之一。该书被誉为西班牙裔美国文学和世界文学的杰作,获得了广泛的好评,销量超过5000万册,被翻译成40多种语言。
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselves into all of the lead roles, they drive the pageant’s director, Grace (Judy Greer), and other members of her family, including husband Bob (Holmes), up the wall. But through their misfit mischief, these unlikely messengers might turn out to be the ones to deliver the town’s sensational and moving portrayal of the true meaning of Christmas.
《黑鸽》是一部以圣诞节的伦敦为背景的动作剧,讲述了一个关于友情与牺牲的尖锐又感人肺腑的故事。剧集的主角是海伦·韦布(凯拉·奈特莉饰),她是一位机智、务实且尽职尽责的妻子和母亲,也是一名职业间谍。10 年来,她一直将政治家丈夫的秘密传递给她为之效命的神秘组织:黑鸽。当她的秘密情人贾森(安德鲁·浩二饰)被暗杀后,她的间谍上司、神秘的里德(莎拉·兰卡夏尔饰)指派她的老朋友萨姆(本·卫肖饰)来保护她。海伦和萨姆联手展开调查,试图查明杀害杰森的凶手及其背后的动机。而他们的调查逐渐揭开了一个庞大而错综复杂的阴谋,这个阴谋将伦敦阴暗的地下世界与迫在眉睫的地缘政治危机联系在一起。
/Andy Mikita
/Andy Mikita
《星际之门:宇宙(Stargate Universe)》的设定是人类在成功揭开星际之门第九个符号的秘密之后,一组探险队员被传送到荒废已久的古人飞船 "命运号" 上。这艘飞船是古人在其文明达到顶峰的时候建造的,它是古人的一次重大实验,承载着一项重要任遗憾的是,这个实验始终未能完成。 探险队员很快发现他们被困在了 "命运号" 上,无法通过原路返回地球。他们只有登上 "命运号",向未知的宇宙深处出发。一路上,船员们将与古人先前向宇宙发射的星际之门一一取得联系,实现 "命运号" 最初的任务。这些星际之门在 "命运号" 被建造之前几个世纪就已被安放好了,"命运号" 能与其航向同步的时间窗口很短。一旦错过了其中一个,回头再找已经很困难了。此外,"命运号" 在旅途中还将遇到无数新的种族、敌人和奇闻趣事。
Melody Brooks is navigating sixth grade as a nonverbal wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy. With the help of some assistive technology and her devoted, exuberant allies, Melody shows that what she has to say is more important than how she says it. Out of My Mind presents a sincere experience of teenage girlhood through the lenses of disability and belonging. Director Amber Sealey crafts a world around Melody that is all too familiar; at once full of love, fun, and opportunity, yet systemically unfair to those who are different. Actress Phoebe-Rae Taylor, who similarly lives with cerebral palsy, embodies Melody from a place of authenticity and heart. Melody’s wants courageously steer this narrative — her desires to prove her intelligence, befriend girls her age, and, ultimately, break free from the limiting preconceptions of others, are both unique and deeply universal. This is a powerful story about finding one’s voice, bolstered by the collective passion and advocacy of those who are willing to really listen.—CA