《叛逆美声》是一部根据吉安娜·南尼尼的生活改编的电影,由Indiana Production负责制作,钦齐娅·TH·托里尼执导,莱蒂齐娅·托尼饰演这位意大利女性摇滚偶像。 本片带我们走近音乐界中最深刻而著名的声音之一,展现了她的生活片段。故事跨越三十年,从童年以及她的生活和事业的起源讲起,以她的奉献作为结尾。此间出现了一个转折点,把吉安娜的生活分成两部分,而这个节点被认为是她真正诞生的时间:1983 年。 《叛逆美声》将观众带入一位能够用诗歌和音乐塑造情感的女性的生活和创造思维之旅。这是一位独特、革命性的艺术家,不被任何体系和定义所束缚,不断追求灵感和转变,将音乐和自由作为她的宣言。
Set in Prague in 1953, this suspenseful crime drama follows honest police captain Hakl (Trojan) and his investigation of a seemingly mundane robbery at a goldsmith’s shop. In a fraught political climate, this incident is seized on by the Communist authorities, who require a smokescreen for their own, far grander, deception. On the orders of State Security, Hakl’s investigation is taken over by Major Zenke (Sebastian Koch, The Lives of Others), an East German specialist, who has been told to “prove” that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. But the experienced Hakl’s instincts puts him on the path of an altogether different story. Can one just man stand up to the forces of an increasingly oppressive state? The shadow of the past looms over all involved, and this can make a culprit of a victim and a hero of a culprit. Somber and atmospheric, this is a moving and compelling study of the Stalinist era.
谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫,1924年生于前苏联格鲁吉亚的第比利斯,父母都是亚美尼亚人。从小就显示出他对色彩的敏感和天神一般的绘画天赋。除了绘画,从小他就对电影和音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。1945年,他21岁,求学莫斯科是他一生的转折点。他进入俄罗斯电影学院(VGIK)导演系学习拍片。这是一个历史悠久的著名电影学校,为欧洲大陆贡献了大批电影大师。之后成为老师杜甫仁科的助手,杜甫仁科是苏联诗电影的祖先,塔尔科夫斯基和帕拉杰诺夫都得益于他的教诲。 根据俄罗斯作家莱蒙托夫的故事改编。一个游吟诗人在路途上花了一千个白天和黑夜,随时随地尽其所能为人们带来快乐。他的流动的生活方式看似毫无目的,其实不然。他希望在一千个日日夜夜之后,能够挣到足够的钱举办婚礼......如果新娘还在等他的话。 Wandering minstrel Ashik Kerib falls in love with a rich merchant's daughter, but is spurned by her father and forced to roam the world for a thousand and one nights - but not before he's got the daughter to promise not to marry till his return. It's told in typical Paradjanov style, in a series of visually ravishing 'tableaux vivants' overlaid with Turkish and Azerbaijani folksongs.
佛莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund饰)和杰森(肯·克辛格Ken Kirzinger饰)都是两个大魔头:佛莱迪是一个“恶夜鬼王”,有潜入梦境控制他人意志的本领;而杰森则是“嗜血狂魔”,最爱肢解小孩。死于两人手下的冤魂不计其数。如今,不甘寂寞的佛莱迪又起 了杀人心瘾,他决定和杰森两人联袂,给春木镇一个血流成河的杀戮。 镇上居民在两个恶魔的屠杀下遭受血光之灾,佛莱迪和杰森两人也在疯狂的杀人中相互结仇。谁是杀戮王者谁拥有最多的地盘,两人心中早有芥蒂。几个年轻人在他们的魔爪面前,巧妙的利用了他们的弱点进行离间调拨,这招不仅救了自己,还挑起了佛莱迪和杰森之间的一场大战!