Sheila Hood is an ex-cop whose marriage is on the rocks. Rather than confronting her husband about an affair, she hides surveillance cameras in her home and watches his transgressions, becoming a voyeur of her own life. Her husband, Tom Kale, is an ornithologist who begins an affair with an ex-girlfriend, Merle James, whose beauty and fragility echoes that of the birds he studies. Ray Starling, the charismatic owner of a boutique hotel, is Merle’s lover, and has dealings with her father, Mr James, a powerful oil baron who operates in the shadows but whose influence touches the whole city. Merle’s younger sister, Hazel, is also drawn to Tom, but trapped in Starling’s web of power. Calvin is an cop whose loyalty to his ex partner, Hood, is tested when mounting evidence from her own surveillance tapes connects her and Tom to Starling’s murder, and perhaps even Merle’s mysterious death.
由《绯闻女孩》两位主创Josh Schwartz和Stephanie Savage在Apple TV+开发的新剧《焰火之城》(City On Fire)定档5月12日开播。这部八集组成的剧集将在首播周更新三集,此后逢周五更新一集,于6月16日季终。 这是Josh和Stephanie早前与该流媒体签订优先合作条约的首个项目。与《绯闻女孩》相似,故事同样改编自同名小说,Garth Risk Hallberg所著的小说讲述了在2003年的7月4日,年轻女孩“Samantha Cicciaro”在纽约中央公园被枪击,当时所有人都在观看烟火,所以没有证人也没有太多物证。 而事发前她正在她最爱的夜店看着她朋友乐队的表演,临时出去见朋友却再也没有回来。随着警方调查的深入,所有人都惊讶的发现她不仅连接着纽约下城的音乐圈子,还和上东区的富有的地产家族有着紧密联系。 在《性 教育》完成“Hope”演出的Jemima Kirke饰演“Regan”,她是曼哈顿地产大亨的女儿,但努力想要靠自己取得成功;而《继承之战》“Nate” Ashley Zukerman饰演她的丈夫“Keith”,他的魅力帮助他失败后重新站起来。 《年轻一代》“Josh” Nico Tortorella饰演“William”,才华横溢、但却自我毁灭的艺术家;而Xavier Clyde则饰演他的男朋友“Mercer”,从乔治亚州农村来到纽约的他,写下了一本杰出的小说,并拥抱真实的自己。 歌手,出演了《劣迹斑斑》的Max Milner饰演“Nicky Chaos”,一个充满魅力的活动家,也和一群朋友致力于同精英主义进行斗争;而《实习医生格蕾》十六季做短暂演出的“Cindy”Alexandra Doke饰演的“Sewer Girl”,就是这个团队的主力成员。 《曼达洛人》“Dr.Pershing” Omid Abtahi饰演的“Ali Parsa”,是负责调查Samantha遇害的侦探;而《港湾》“Audrey” Kathleen Munroe则是与他搭档的“PJ McFadden”;至于此前在《乔对决卡萝尔》完成“Joe Exotic”演出的John Cameron Mitchell则饰演“Amory”,是曼哈顿一名具有影响力和权势的高管,他为人无情但也同样迷人。
《爱国者》的主角是一位美国情报人员,为阻止伊朗研发核武器,他不得不伪装成一家工业管道公司的雇员,进行一项卧底任务。创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)、无能的政府机构以及管道公司繁杂的日常工作都是他需要克服的困难。这位名叫约翰·塔纳(John Tovner)的情报人员由《嗜血破晓》(Daybreakers)男星迈克尔·多曼(Michael Dorman)饰演;《迷失》(Lost)男星特瑞·欧奎恩(Terry O’Quinn)饰演他担任国务院情报主管的父亲;《曼哈顿计划》主演迈克尔·哲努斯(Michael Chernus)饰演他的弟弟,一位年轻的国会议员。《天气预报员》(The Weather Man)编剧史蒂芬·康拉德(Steven Conrad)将担任本剧的导演和编剧。
John must make a choice at the train platform - be free from his obligations and adversaries by letting Agathe take the money or pursue her, at great risk to himself, in an effort to protect his brother, father, and country. Meanwhile, his father presents a perilous way out of it all: find and assassinate Cantar Walley in Paris.